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Foam Fire Extinguisher

Foam Fire Extinguisher
Foam Fire Extinguisher

A foam fire extinguisher is a fire extinguisher that uses chemicals that can form a stable foam and driven by carbon dioxide at the moment out of the tube. AFF Foam that come out will stop the burning wood. So it can extinguish the fire because oxygen could not enter the fire area. This type of extinguisher used in areas where water extinguisher types cannot do the job. As in the area contained oil or liquid that cannot mix with water.

Foam fire extinguisher

Foam fire extinguisher effective material for extinguishing a fire class B. However, to put out the fires of solid objects (Class A) less well. As known that the fire department with a foam insulation is in a way preventing the influx of air into the process of fire, with close surfaces on fire so that the flame does not flow.

According to the manufacturing process, there are two types of foam:

1. Chemical foam (Chemistry)
2. Mechanical foam
It is less appropriate for sprayed on the surface of the liquid mixed with water because the foam easily soluble in water

Foam AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) is water-based and often contain hydrocarbon-based surfactants. The material such as sodium alkyl sulfate fluorosurfactant, fluorotelomers, perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid. They have the ability to spread out on the surface of a liquid hydrocarbon-based. Alcohol resistant aqueous film forming foams (AFFF AR) is a foam that resistant to the reaction of alcohol, can form a protective coating/segment when worn or sprayed.

Foam fire extinguisher can be used to put out the fire grade but is perfect when used for class B. Foam are light, highly effective for extinguishing flammable liquid in a way to isolate oxygen and cover the surface of the liquid to avoid the fire can spread (expanded) back.

For this type of foam fire extinguisher not usable or not suitable media fire class C. On class C fires, due to short circuit if using foam fire extinguisher is very dangerous because of the electrical conductor.

As for the type of foam fire extinguisher is very suitable for extinguishing the flames of class A or class B. The medium used is a mild foam, very effective to extinguish flammable liquid substances by way of isolating oxygen as well as covering the surface of the liquid to avoid the fire can spread extends back.

Foam fire extinguisher not harmful to plants, animals or humans because of median foam. So no need to worried about the danger. Foam is a material eroded in order that shut down the surface of the base of the fire, eat flare can impress circumvented. Harmless to plants, animals especially human beings.

Resource: http://www.fioba.com

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