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Fire extinguisher inspection services

Fire extinguisher inspection services
Fire extinguisher inspection services
Some people are still confused about how to take care of with a fire extinguisher and conforms to applicable standards. Here, we try to organize such a need by way of providing information that may be required to perform the Fire extinguisher inspection services, maintenance, recharging (refilling), and test fire extinguishers on lightly with standard-based NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.

Fire extinguisher inspection services periodic maintenance

Fire extinguisher inspection services
Fire extinguisher inspection services
* is the length of time for each activity
** For further maintenance procedures, please see the NFPA 10 and
Annex I of NFPA 10
Recharging is done each time after use or at any time when
deemed necessary.

Points which must be met every execution of the inspection light fire extinguishers based on NFPA-10 section 6.2.2, among others:
1. Placement of the fire extinguisher (in accordance with the recommended or not);
2. snag-free and easily visible;
3. There are Operating Instruction can be read clearly
4. Seal the pressure indicator & not broken, broken, broken, or missing;
5. The weight corresponding to its capacity
6. pressure Indicator to function properly;
7. for units with wheels, further examination is needed on the wheel;
8. There is a label on the fire extinguishers (deals with its kind).

As for the procedure for Fire extinguisher inspection services includes testing the basic elements of a light fire extinguishers themselves thoroughly in accordance with section 6.3.2, among others:
1. Performance all mechanical parts of the fire extinguisher lighter;
2. the operating system using the cartridge, a stored pressure, pump tanks, etc.
3. being able to put out the fire in accordance with its classification.

Internal fire extinguisher hidrostatic testing during the annual Fire extinguisher inspection services is not required for fire extinguishers is non-rechargeable (disposable) as well as fire extinguisher lighter type of carbon dioxide. However, in accordance with section from NFPA 10, complete annual self-assessment and periodic highly recommended for fire extinguisher with stored pressure types. Internal testing done by dismantling the overall light fire extinguishers section to check out katub (valve) and pressure gauges (pressure gauge). After that the tubes are assembled and filled back up with a media blackout next given the pressure in accordance with the provisions. Treatments such as this should be done by someone who has the expertise for such things, and use spare parts recommended by the manufacturer of the fire extinguishers were made lightness.

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