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The history of the fire extinguisher

The history of the fire extinguisher
The history of the fire extinguisher

Fire extinguisher portable is an important tool in every workplace today, not least because the Government is aware of their important role in fire safety has made it illegal to not give them. Have you ever wondered how long this ingenious device has been around, or who created them?

History of Fire Extinguisher-who created the first fire extinguisher?

The answer to this depends on what you mean by firefighters. The first instance of something known as portable fire fighting device can be found almost 200 years ago. George Manby make this breakthrough in the United Kingdom in 1813 with the so-called ' Extincteur '. It consists of a copper container that has within it three gallons of potassium carbonate solution and compressed air. This is the first example of the basic principle behind all the fire extinguishers today, where fire suppressant is driven out of the container by pressurized gas.

Credit must be given to the pharmacy, howeverAmbrose Godfrey, who compiled afirefighting devices ninety years before the Manby's portable fire extinguisher automatic first. Firefighter Abrose Godfrey is not designed to be portable, but will be leftin place in the room to protect them in case of a fire is started. It can be seen as a precursor to the modern day sprinkler system. '' The Godfrey's device has a set of fuses, which will be lit if a fire started in the area. It will then be detonated a small charge of explosives in a container filled with a liquid, which is then spread across the room, fire extinguisher.

George Manby appointment does not end with this device, and he created a variety of inventions depends on harnessing the power of small explosions. One of the most famous of these is the Manby Mortar, which is used to help rescue ships in distress, by shooting the rope from the ground to the stricken ship. His ideas and other inventions included a system to rescue people who have fallen into the water through the ice and a mechanism to save people who were trapped in a burning building by allowing them to jump to the a safe place. He also was the first to come up with a proposal that there should be a national fire rescue service.

History of Fire Extinguisher-who created the fire extinguisher acid-Soda

The soda-acid fire extinguisher works by mixing together two substances react to produce carbon dioxide gas, which is then used to push the fluid from the tube Department. The first example fire extinguishers acid-soda is on 1866 when Francois Carlier his patented in France. In this example the tartaric acid is mixed with a solution ofsodium bicarbonate to produce gas.

In the U.S. the first example fire extinguishers soda-acid was patented by Almon m.Granger in 1881, which uses concentrated sulfuric acid in the fire department. All acid-soda extinguishers work on the same basic principle, which is that the acid contained in a small bottle in tools, and one of the few systems can be used to release acid into the solution of soda.

Usually a trigger to release acid and mixture of chemicals or other system of plunger will be produced in solving a bottle or a system of levers to release the stopper from one end of it. However, after acid was released, reaction to produce carbon dioxide, which forces the liquid out of the tools in the jet, which can be directed at the fire through the nozzle or hose.

History of Fire Extinguisher-which creates a chemical Foam fire extinguisher

The first example known chemical foam fire extinguishers were found in Russia by Alexander Laurant in 1905. The idea is very similar to the principles of the soda-acid extinguisher, foam compound but included, which causes some gas to be trapped in the fluid, producing foam. Compound of foam appears to be often made from licorice root, and this will be contained in a soda solution. Firemen are usually activatedby turning the appliance upside down to mix the chemicals.

History of Fire Extinguisher-that created the carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher

Also known as the CTC fireman firefighter, carbon tetrachloride was originally created by the company around 1912 Pyrene. Extinguisher fluid driven CTC in the fire withhand pumps. CTC vaporized and the smothering blanket of thick produced during a fire, the fire of oxygen starvation and prevent burning. There is also a version of the' bomb ' fireman CTC in the form of glass bottles that you throw on the fire.

The effectiveness of the CTC'S Brigade on liquid and electrical fires make them very popular with the automotive industry for a long time, although the by-product of the process could have very serious health consequences, especially in confined spaces. That's because it was then replaced by fire extinguishers that use less toxic chemicals.

The history of the fire department-fire extinguishers to Modern day

The same basic principle that was discovered by George Manby, where gas is used to force the combustion of the suppressor of the container, which is still the main mechanism behind all modern day portable fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers will be the most modern works on one of the two main systems. Compressed gases will be well stored in a main container itself, known as stored pressure extinguishers type, or in a small cartridge inside the cartridge gas, known as a type of extinguisher.

Stored pressure is the most common type of fire extinguishers, the advantages of the gas cartridge is that they are easier to recharge if it is used often enough. Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is the only exception in that they only contain liquid carbon dioxide under pressure.

Development and improvement of portable fire extinguishers has come a long way in two hundred years. Many types of api has now been classified, and all modern day fire rated shows types of fires they are safe to use on and how effective they are. Classification and ranking it is important development because it handles the api with the wrong type of fire extinguisher can have very serious consequences, such as electricity cause by using water electric fire extinguishers.

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